About Underscore Times
This page has been updated in Q2 2024.
Our Mission
Underscore Times seeks to report on important stories that may otherwise be ignored. Particularly, we report on political issues and human interest stories. We also routinely publish well-rounded opinion and editorial pieces.
We are always looking for interesting topics to write about. Have a tip? Submit it to our anonymous tip-line: https://underscoretimes.com/submit-a-tip
Independent, Ethical Journalism
We subscribe to the code of ethics maintained by the Society of Professional Journalists, it can be found here. This publication is entirely independently operated and is legally protected from compelled prior-restraint and prior-review requests by governmental or other agencies. Learn about our strict no LLM policy.

Students: Our Voices Matter
Underscore Times values works authored by high school and undergraduate students spanning various topics and fields. To submit a proposal or completed work, visit: https://underscoretimes.com/student-opeds. Opinion and editorial pieces selected are published on the website alongside works by our staff writers.